BA Graduation (2019)
What if this escalation of complexity, in which fast transcription of data has run out human comprehension of the world, could be encountered by means of design?
The structures of todays society are no longer to be decoded without the use of computers, are not based on handed-down knowledge anymore, but the collection and evaluation of data. What if this escalation of complexity, in which fast transcription of data has run out human comprehension of the world, could be encountered by means of design? The goal is to come closer to an autonomous and responsible use of technology as well as the processes and objects connected to it.

By offering possibilities for active engagement with machines, the role of the computer as a „Black Box“ is resolved. The accessibility of those experiences is ought to enable critical debate about our technology and the ways we are using it. The entity of this project consist of three different parts:
︎︎︎ Theoretical Research, that is recorded in form of the written thesis. It dissects the current state-of- art of digital manufacturing technologies, but also investigates different positions of media sciences and philosophy of technology.

︎︎︎ Applied Research. Within the process, I spent a lot of time on FLM-printing and experimental ways of using it. To understand how regular FLM 3D-printing techniques work, I collected all results and made them accessible through a web-based archive.

︎︎︎ The Implementation of my findings in an immersive installation and the underlying production tech- nique of a manually operated 3D-printer. By enabling active engagement with the machine, it is made clear how transformative processes are the foundation of all data-processing technologies (digital as well as analog). Those formerly hidden Transformations are revealed within the „Black-Box-Archive“, and become very visible and tangible in the dialectics of drawings and objects by „the man-machine“.

The goal of the machine is to depict the hidden translations and transformations between digital and analog, otherwise hidden within the „Black Box“. Following Otl Aichers definition of analog (Doing) and digital (Thinking), the direct and simultaneous connection of man and machine is ought to enable a parallelism of thinking and doing. In an entanglement of both counterparties, the analog 3D-printer produces relics of the relation of man and machine.
The relation between human and machine is similar to the one between the drawings and objects: they effect each other mutually and simultaneously. Translation between one and the other makes both relation and difference important and visible. The category of the produced objects themselves is only of secondary importance: as a surrogate the container is ought to be a meta-container for the theoretical content of the project.

It is very clear that transformative processes are the foundation of all data-processing technologies (digital as well as analogue). Those formerly hidden transformations are revealed within the „Black-Box-Archive“.
As an addition to the machine, a digital web-based archive collects experi- mental approaches to 3D-printing and other technology-based production techniques, to systematically showcase their artistic potential.